User Reviews

*3 stars are standard line.

Negative Balance Negative Balance NBP unsupported
Country South Korea
Japanese Desk Japanese Support Desk Japanese Available
Decimal Pricing 5 Digits
Legal Name
Land Prime Ltd.
Founded Year Since 2023 (1 year)
Location Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, 1510 Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Licenses Licenses
Not licensed or registered

*All information on this website is referred from original ones where each Forex Broker's official homepage describes at the time. Some information on the website are summarised to make viewers understand each service better. It maybe different from the service provided to you depends on the account type and platform you use. Although we strive to provide the newest and correct information at anytime, we do not guarantee the accuracy of those information. Please make sure checking terms and conditions and other trading options on yourself.

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Frequently asked questions

Is it free to open accounts with LandPrime?

Yes, there is no involved cost for opening accounts with LandPrime.

No, LandPrime does not support NBP (Negative Balance Protection).

LandPrime is a Forex Broker based in South Korea.The registered office address is Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, 1510 Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Yes, LandPrime provides service (website and/or customer support) in Japanese.

LandPrime is an Forex Broker based in South Korea. LandPrime was founded in 2023.

LandPrime does not have any financial licenses or registrations. In case the company acquires new licenses or registrations, the information will be updated in LandPrime's company introduction page.

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