FOREX – Leverage

One of the main advantages to trading in the foreign exchange market is leverage. Leverage is the ability to trade in amounts that are higher than your total deposit held. For instance you may have a deposit of $5,000 and be allowed to trade in amounts of $500,000!

Many Brokers offer high leverage, this is a real advantage to traders if used wisely, particularly if you compare the leverage offered on other financial markets such as the equity markets that usually offer a 2:1 leverage and even the futures markets offer only a 10:1 leverage.

FOREX – Orders

The trading platform, MT4 offers a variety of orders to assist the trader in his strategy. Orders can include Market, Limits, Stops, OCO’s, ID’s, Trailing Stops and Hedging Trades. The types of orders typically available on the FX trading platforms offer a whole range of flexibility and time management for the trader that are simply not available in other financial markets

FOREX – Rollovers/Swaps

Rollovers are calculated automatically for traders, this is a very handy tool that allows the trader to concentrate on his trades and not worry about any time constraints.

FOREX – Islamic Accounts and Rollovers

Some members of the Islamic community wish to trade in FX however do not wish to have anything to do with rollovers since they are based on interest differentials. Brokers will accommodate this request and have special Islamic accounts for just this purpose.

Normally the Islamic accounts work in the following way, all the rollovers or swaps use zero interest rates for all the currencies whether they are for deposits or loans. In this case there is no interest rate trading at all in these accounts.

These accounts are offered on a good will basis to the Islamic community, for in theory a holder of an Islamic account can use this to his advantage and arbitrage between two accounts, one regular and one Islamic.

FOREX – Ease of Access

Entering the Forex access has never been easier, some brokers offer the ability to open up an account and start trading within a few minutes of entering their site.

Demo accounts are offered by many to allow the trader to practice on pretend funds in the real market. This is a real one on one example of how real trading works and a trader can get used to the platform and the market before risking a cent.

When you compare this to terms received in other financial markets where it can take weeks to open an account and 5-figure minimum deposits, one can readily see the advantage here.

FOREX – Demo Accounts and Minimum Trade sizes

Some brokers offer mini accounts, this means that traders can execute live trades at inter-bank prices without any detriment to them. This in corporation with the demo accounts is a great way to introduce traders to the world of Forex. Clients can trade from amounts as small as 10,000 units of the base currency and in integral sizes thereof. If you compare this to the minimum trade sizes in FX instruments at the Futures markets the amount is 125,000 units and integral sizes thereof. Entrance is much easier with an online FX broker.

FOREX – Information is online

Receiving up to date economic, fundamental and technical analysis in the FX market has become a given with Online Brokers offering all of these FX services and more. Real time reliable information was once the property of the major banks and major networks. Because of the internet this information is usually free and of very high quality and is directly available to traders.

FOREX – Charting is online

You are also able to receive free charting and technical indicators as part of trading platform. This allows the trader to use up to the second technical analysis on his trades prior and during the life of the trade. This level of service is not found in other financial markets and is a huge advantage to technical analysis traders, particularly since the FX market is probably the most technical of all the financial markets.

FOREX – Account Statements

You have online up to the second financial information regarding your account. This is a very handy money management tool for the trader, and brings in an element of service just not found in other markets.

FOREX – What you can expect from Forex Market

When a trader signs up for Trading Forex – a professional package comes along with it. The following is a list of what you can expect.

  • Full 24-hour multi lingual customer support and technical assistance,
  • Free full featured demo account,
  • World class trading platforms
  • Live executable streaming rates,
  • A wide range of currency crosses to trade from,
  • A commission free package,
  • Aggressive leverage: up to 300:1,
  • A trading platform rich with orders,
  • Access to advanced charting and technical indicators,
  • Daily market analysis,
  • Guaranteed Stop Losses
  • Deposits from $100
  • Secure online payment systems
  • Mobile Trading
  • Education courses
  • 24-hour customer trading room
  • Mini accounts
  • Tightest Spreads
  • And much, much more…