ACFX had been known as a fast growing broker with stable background company “Atlas Group” which is one of the biggest conglomerate in Montenegro.

Now the Broker “ACFX” is closing down its Forex Business after being suspended from providing financial service for a month.

All clients funds will be sent back to the original accounts along with their profits.

We have also been notified that most of the workers of ACFX have been already dismissed and there is only a few people still working to process all withdrawals.

ACFX will soon notify all clients regarding this decision.

What you may need to do now?

As you cannot open a new account nor order, you are only allowed to close your existing open positions.

If you still have your funds in your ACFX trading accounts, you may request for a full withdrawal whenever you wish to.

ACFX is going to run away with your funds?

Most likely not, as there are some workers in the office processing withdrawals for existing funds and all clients’ funds were deposited into segregated accounts where separated from the normal operations.

ACFX should be capable of sending back all funds to its clients.

Also as CySEC instructs, ACFX is a member of a ICF(Investor Compensation Fund). This means that in case the Broker failed to meet its obligation with its clients, ICF may compensate up to 20,000 EUR for your loss.

For your information, ICF itself holds about 17.5 million euro.

It is Fortunate that ACFX has followed the rules of CySEC(besides the withdrawal delays on Chinese traders).